Bicycles of global brands at good prices for your use!

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Company history

During our work, more than 150,000 people have become our satisfied customers. To date, "VeloSklad.<url> is a company with an established team of professionals with significant practical experience and developing in the following areas: sale of bicycles, accessories, spare parts, as well as maintenance and repair.

We offer bicycles profitably and simply. PROFITABLE is not only low prices for bicycles, but also savings when buying accessories, spare parts, as well as during maintenance and repair.

The purpose and objectives of the company

We achieve the most important goal of our business policy, which is to fully satisfy the interests and needs of customers. He has established himself as a reliable and strong partner with stable partnerships with leading global brands.

During his time at the market, he became one of the most famous bicycle shops! The Company's plans for the future include expanding the range of products and the list of services provided, improving the quality of customer service and maintaining leadership in the Russian bicycle market!

We try to provide the client with a full range of services and are ready to offer the best conditions, including after-warranty service. In addition, by buying a bicycle from a customer, it is possible to purchase motor vehicles or snowboard products at a discount!

IT's SIMPLE - it's an opportunity to select and compare products in detail already on the site (without coming to the sales floor, including choosing the frame size from available ones, as well as watching videos and 3d photos on our website), it's an opportunity to pay in various ways, including paying for goods upon receipt even in the region!

It is also easy to buy a bike from us in the showroom, because most of the models are already assembled, we have about 450 of them (unlike other stores, where about 100-200 bicycles are presented in assembled form), and it takes a minimum of time to assemble and configure, because we have more than 10 assemblers working at the same time and sellers.

A simple procedure for exchanging and returning goods. We try to ensure that the client does not lose any extra time.